A dedicated mindful space to be ourselves, express ourselves, learn & unlearn and to explore in a non-judgemental space!
Network with mid to senior designers! Join groups of 5-6 for weekly/biweekly chats or meetups to share design journeys, tackle challenges, and discuss bold decisions. Dive into valuable, fun conversations!

We bring in designers from across the world and have an open conversation about their story and how they see design in the current landscape, exploring trends, challenges, and innovations shaping the future of design.
A casual catch-up of 5-6 designers, sharing stories beyond design. Conversations flow from creative processes to personal passions, all while enjoying the sun, sand, and the soothing sea breeze.

Design doesn't happens only on screens, its everywhere. To learn and understand, one needs to be physically fit, mentally strong to be fully aware of who they are. The Clan will push your limits in both of these zones.
Every Wednesday night, we come up with a good design topic and we dig deep on it!. We have seasoned designers join in to talk, brainstorm and share their experiences! A great opportunity to hear practical thinking from industry experts!

After successful meetups in Chennai & Coimbatore, we are coming soon in Bangalore!